Humans are known for their ability to learn from mistakes, refining problem-solving approaches through self-reflection and analysis. This concept can be applied to a wide range of problems that lack a definitive ground truth, such as protein design, chemical design, and architectural design, as well as simpler problems encountered in everyday life.
The process of reflection

In this article, we explore the concept of Reflexion, as outlined in this article, an iterative method for problem-solving, in LLMs like GPT-4, that mirrors human intelligence and its applications in various fields.

Reflecting on Reflexion
Here’s a discussion on our recent paper with an additional experiment that uses GPT-4 to beat past GPT-4 standards. In our recent paper, “Reflexion: An Autonomous Agent with Dynamic Memory and Self-Reflection,” we introduce a framework that allows AI agents to emulate human-like self-reflection and…

Creating Internal Test Suites for Problem-Solving

When faced with a problem that lacks a clear solution, humans typically create an internal test suite based on their understanding of the context. These test suites help evaluate potential solutions and assign confidence levels to them.

Adjustments are made until a solution that satisfies most of the tests is reached, which then becomes the proposed solution. In this scenario, the solution that meets most of the internal test cases is accepted as the one likely to result in the ground truth, and the chance of success relies on the probability of an erroneous test design.

Reflexion in AI and Neural Networks

As large language models (LLMs) and other sensory neural networks advance, Reflexion may see widespread applications in tasks traditionally performed by humans. For example, an AI chef could create dishes based on your cravings, refining the recipe through continuous feedback. Similarly, an AI business consultant might develop a successful business strategy without a predefined path. By using self-reflection for iterative learning, high-confidence solutions can be developed for problems in which a concrete ground truth is unavailable.

Self-improvement through Reflection

Reflection Technique in GPT-4

The reflection technique in GPT-4 enables the AI to analyze its own mistakes, learn from them, and improve its performance. By engaging in a self-contained loop, GPT-4 can devise better strategies to solve problems and achieve higher accuracy. This emergent property of self-reflection is more advanced in GPT-4 compared to previous models, allowing it to continually enhance its performance on various tasks.

By using Reflexion to iteratively refine the current implementation, we can develop high-confidence solutions for problems in which the concrete ground truth is unavailable. This approach involves relaxing the success criteria to internal test accuracy, allowing an agent to solve a variety of complex tasks that are currently dominated by human intelligence. Future applications of Reflexion may further enable agents to tackle a wide range of problems, pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence and human problem-solving.

Real-life Examples of Reflection

An example of the reflection technique in action is when GPT-4 was given a task to write a poem with each word beginning with the letter "e." Although the initial attempt wasn't perfect, GPT-4 self-reflected and improved its performance to create a revised poem that met the requirements. Similarly, GPT-4 corrected a math quiz it had generated upon realizing that it didn't meet the requirement of having only one correct answer per question. These examples demonstrate the power of self-reflection in GPT-4 for improving its own performance.

When to Use the Reflection Technique

The reflection technique has proven to be a powerful tool for improving the performance of AI models, particularly in the context of GPT-4. It enables AI systems to learn from their mistakes, self-correct, and generate more accurate outputs. This section will discuss various scenarios in which the reflection technique can be most effectively utilized.

  1. Complex Problem Solving: The reflection technique is particularly useful when addressing complex problems that require multi-step reasoning or the synthesis of information from multiple sources. By reflecting on its initial approach and identifying errors or shortcomings, the AI model can refine its strategy and generate more accurate solutions.
  2. Language Comprehension: In tasks involving natural language processing, AI models may need to understand and interpret context, nuances, and subtleties within the text. The reflection technique can help improve the model's comprehension by allowing it to review and refine its initial interpretation, leading to better understanding and more accurate outputs.
  3. Code Generation and Evaluation: As demonstrated in the Human Eval coding test, GPT-4 can improve its code generation and evaluation skills by reflecting on its initial output and identifying errors. This can be particularly useful in programming-related tasks where precision and accuracy are paramount.
  4. Creative Tasks: In creative applications, such as poetry or content generation, the reflection technique can help AI models refine their output to better meet specific requirements or constraints. By allowing the model to review and critique its own work, it can iteratively improve the quality of its output, making it more relevant and engaging.
  5. Multimodal Tasks: The reflection technique can also be applied to tasks that involve multiple modalities, such as text-to-image or text-to-video tasks. By reflecting on its initial output, the AI model can identify areas for improvement and generate more accurate and coherent results across different modalities.
  6. Error Correction and Quality Control: In situations where the accuracy and quality of AI-generated output are crucial, the reflection technique can help identify and correct errors. By enabling the model to review its own work, it can spot mistakes and refine its output, leading to better results overall.
The reflection technique can significantly improve the performance of AI models across various tasks and applications. By allowing AI systems to learn from their mistakes and iterate on their initial outputs, the reflection technique can lead to more accurate, coherent, and high-quality results, ultimately bringing AI models closer to achieving artificial general intelligence.

Examples of Situations and Prompts Using the Reflection Technique

To maximize the benefits of Reflexion when working with AI, it's crucial to tailor the approach according to the specific situation. By incorporating context-aware self-assessment prompts and providing clear guidance on the desired improvements, users can harness the AI's iterative learning capabilities more effectively. This enables the AI to adapt its responses to meet the unique demands of each situation, resulting in more accurate, relevant, and valuable output. Ultimately, the key to unlocking the full potential of Reflexion lies in the thoughtful customization and adaptation of the method to suit the task at hand.

The reflection technique can be applied to a wide range of tasks and domains, enhancing the performance of AI models in diverse situations. This section will provide examples of situations and prompts where the reflection technique can be effectively employed.

Example Prompts for Using Reflexion with ChatGPT

The following example prompts demonstrate how Reflexion can be used in conjunction with ChatGPT to improve the AI's performance through iterative learning and self-assessment:

  1. Prompt: "Provide an overview of the history of the French Revolution." AI Response: (First response)  Reflexion Prompt: "Evaluate the coherence and accuracy of your previous response about the French Revolution. Suggest improvements if necessary." AI Response: (Improved response)
  2. Prompt: "Explain the process of photosynthesis in plants." AI Response: (First response)  Reflexion Prompt: "Assess your previous explanation of photosynthesis in terms of clarity and scientific accuracy. Provide a revised explanation if needed." AI Response: (Improved response)
  3. Prompt: "Write a short story about a time-traveling adventurer." AI Response: (First response) Reflexion Prompt: "Critique your previously written short story in terms of plot, character development, and narrative flow. Offer suggestions to enhance the story." AI Response: (Improved response)
  4. Prompt: "Describe the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources." AI Response: (First response) Reflexion Prompt: "Review your previous response on renewable energy sources for balance, comprehensiveness, and up-to-date information. Propose any modifications that could improve the response." AI Response: (Improved response)
  5. Prompt: "Give an overview of the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes." AI Response: (First response) Reflexion Prompt: "Analyze your previous overview of John Maynard Keynes' economic theories for clarity, depth, and accuracy. Recommend any adjustments or additional information that might enhance the response." AI Response: (Improved response)

These example prompts demonstrate how Reflexion can be applied to a variety of topics and domains, enabling ChatGPT to iteratively improve its performance by learning from its mistakes and refining its responses. This approach can lead to more accurate, coherent, and informative answers, ultimately enhancing the user experience and the utility of AI-generated content.

Examples of Reflexion in App or ChatBot Use Cases

Example of Reflexion in a Customer Service Scenario

Customer: "My internet connection keeps dropping. What can I do to fix it?"

AI Response (Initial): "I'm sorry to hear that. Please make sure your modem and router are connected properly and that all cables are securely plugged in."

Reflexion Prompt: "Evaluate the relevance of your previous response to the customer's issue of intermittent internet connection. Offer a more specific and helpful solution if necessary."

AI Response (Improved): "I'm sorry to hear that.  If your internet connection keeps dropping, please try the following steps:

  1. Reset your modem and router by unplugging them for 30 seconds and plugging them back in.
  2. Check for any firmware updates for your router.
  3. Move your router to a more central location in your home to improve signal strength.
  4. If the issue persists, contact your internet service provider as there may be an issue with the service in your area."

In this example, the AI initially provides a generic response that may not fully address the customer's problem. By applying Reflexion, the AI is able to evaluate its response and generate a more specific and helpful answer, enhancing the customer's experience and providing more effective support.

Example of Reflexion in a Medical Diagnosis Scenario

Medical Professional: "The patient presents with fever, joint pain, and a rash. What could be the possible diagnosis?"

AI Response (Initial): "Based on the symptoms, it could be a viral infection. You may want to consider running some blood tests."

Reflexion Prompt: "Reevaluate your previous response, taking into account the combination of fever, joint pain, and rash. Provide a more specific and accurate diagnosis, considering other relevant factors or diseases."

AI Response (Improved): "Considering the symptoms of fever, joint pain, and rash, the following differential diagnoses should be considered:

  1. Lyme disease: If the patient has been exposed to tick bites or has been in a wooded area, consider testing for Lyme disease.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis: While the symptoms may resemble a viral infection, rheumatoid arthritis can present with similar symptoms. Check for elevated rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies.
  3. Dengue fever: If the patient has recently traveled to an area with known dengue transmission, it's important to consider dengue fever and run appropriate tests.

Please remember that any AI-based suggestion should be used as supplementary information and not as a replacement for a medical professional's judgment."

In this example, the AI initially provides an incomplete diagnosis. By applying Reflexion, the AI reconsiders its conclusions and offers a more accurate and comprehensive assessment, thereby better assisting the medical professional in the diagnostic process.

Example of Reflexion in a Literary Analysis Scenario

User: "Analyze the theme of identity in 'The Catcher in the Rye' by J.D. Salinger."

AI Response (Initial): "In 'The Catcher in the Rye,' the theme of identity is explored through the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, as he struggles with adolescence and the transition into adulthood."

Reflexion Prompt: "Reevaluate your previous response on the theme of identity in 'The Catcher in the Rye.' Provide a more in-depth and nuanced analysis of how the theme is developed in the novel."

AI Response (Improved): "The theme of identity in 'The Catcher in the Rye' is intricately developed through Holden Caulfield's journey of self-discovery. The novel delves into the challenges faced by adolescents as they attempt to understand their evolving identities. Holden grapples with his own sense of self, often oscillating between a desire to preserve his childhood innocence and the pressure to conform to societal expectations of adulthood.

Throughout the story, Holden's encounters with various characters, such as Phoebe, Sally, and Mr. Antolini, force him to confront his own identity and .... (went on to provide a more complete analysis).

In this example, the AI initially provides a surface-level analysis of the theme of identity in 'The Catcher in the Rye.' By applying Reflexion, the AI is able to reevaluate its initial analysis and generate a more in-depth and nuanced interpretation of the theme and its development in the novel.

In an app or SaaS scenario, implementing Reflexion in AI models can significantly improve the user experience by providing more accurate, relevant, and helpful outputs. To achieve this, the AI should be programmed to reflect on its initial output internally before presenting any information to the user. This internal reflection allows the model to evaluate its response, considering factors such as context, user needs, and potential improvements. By doing so, the AI system can generate a refined output that addresses the user's query or issue more effectively. This seamless integration of Reflexion ensures that users receive the best possible response from the AI, without being exposed to preliminary results that may be less helpful or accurate. By incorporating Reflexion within the AI's processing pipeline, developers can create more efficient, reliable, and user-friendly applications and services, enhancing user satisfaction and trust in the AI system.

Reflexion Takeaway

Reflexion presents a powerful approach to enhancing AI models' problem-solving capabilities in situations where definitive ground truth is unavailable. By mirroring human problem-solving strategies, this method enables AI systems to iteratively refine their solutions through self-reflection, evaluation, and feedback. The various examples and scenarios discussed in this article illustrate the broad applicability and potential benefits of incorporating Reflexion into diverse domains, including customer service, medical diagnosis, literary analysis, translation, and recipe creation.

As AI continues to advance and play a greater role in our daily lives, it is crucial to develop models that can adapt, learn, and improve their performance through reflection. By integrating Reflexion into AI-powered applications and services, we can ensure that users receive more accurate, relevant, and helpful responses, fostering trust and satisfaction in these systems. Ultimately, the Reflexion technique offers a promising avenue for unlocking the full potential of AI, enabling it to tackle complex tasks and challenges that have traditionally been the domain of human intelligence.


Reflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection
Recent advancements in decision-making large language model (LLM) agents havedemonstrated impressive performance across various benchmarks. However, thesestate-of-the-art approaches typically necessitate internal model fine-tuning,external model fine-tuning, or policy optimization over a defined…
GitHub - GammaTauAI/reflexion-human-eval: An implementation of a Reflexion agent for SOTA Human-Eval Python results.
An implementation of a Reflexion agent for SOTA Human-Eval Python results. - GitHub - GammaTauAI/reflexion-human-eval: An implementation of a Reflexion agent for SOTA Human-Eval Python results.
Reflecting on Reflexion
Here’s a discussion on our recent paper with an additional experiment that uses GPT-4 to beat past GPT-4 standards. In our recent paper, “Reflexion: An Autonomous Agent with Dynamic Memory and Self-Reflection,” we introduce a framework that allows AI agents to emulate human-like self-reflection and…
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